Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am trying my best and chose the cutie pie photos of little angel because i want to join a photo contest but my biggest problem is every time that i am ready to upload her pictures my internet browser of firefox and safari kept crashing. (Jeez and upset). I tried 10 times to do upload the pic but didn't work out so i stopped. So i sent my question to firefox and safari. Asking about my internet browser is kept crashing every time i want to upload a pic in certain website. I gave my email address to them and hopefully they will reply me and answer my question as soon as they can.


Anonymous said...

Hi mhae thanks for stopping by, just checked my blog. Anyway I had same probs when I started hehe. As what I have heard bloggers exchanged their links coz its one way also google checked when they give pageranks. and also to keep list of your friends blog that you want to follow.
To exlinks go to layout-click add gadgets then click the link list or the bloglist and add their url.

Anonymous said...

And if you want to add badges or button of other blogs you wanna exchange badges with, right click to copy the code then go to layout, click add gadgets then go to HTML/java script and paste it there the code. and save it.

you can check if it come out well by clicking view blog after you save it. You can also copy and past it there all the codes youwant to add in your blog side bar.
Hope I answer your question mhae, don't hesitate to ask meill be happy to help you out. Im a newbie too so we are on the same boat here.

Anonymous said...

hi again mhae visiting back here. to invite other bloggers to visit your nice blogs you can sign up your blog to this site it helps promoting your blog